Institute of Complex Systems
Universitat de Barcelona
Institute of Complex Systems
Universitat de Barcelona
Institute of Complex Systems
Universitat de Barcelona

Upcoming Events

Avalanches 2024, Finland (Helsinki)

Helsinki (Finland), 19/06/2023

The meeting is proposed to be organized in June, 2024 in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. The period is not without some interest due to the Northern sun and long days and it should be acceptable as it is in a teaching-light month for most countries. We have in a preliminary manner chosen the conference center of Hanasaari (hanaholmen.fi) in a very beautiful location, and close to a) Helsinki city center, b) a metro station, and c) Aalto University. The site offers conference facilities, a hotel, and an excellent restaurant and is within easy access from the Helsinki airport. The invited speakers would be accommodated at Hanasaari, and the location makes it so that various options are available to other participants.

Our intention is to find a program that reflects the local organizers’ interest, novel developments, and suggestions from the Advisory Committee. We are going to be looking for local sources of funding, but we expect to be able to offer accommodation as usual for the invited speakers, plus local meals, and to offer a very reasonable participant package covering lunches and the conference dinner. If funds are raised to a sufficient degree, a few student grants covering local costs is not excluded.

Minicurs Física de la complexitat en la matèria activ​​​​​​​a

Barcelona, 22/02/2023

La materia activa es una classe de sistemes de matèria condensada composats per unitats, o partícules, que s’autopropulsen i que operen fora de l’equilibri termodinàmic. Els sistemes vius en son un exemple representatiu.  Aquestes partícules actives posseeixen graus de llibertat interns que les capaciten per poder moure’s extraient energia de l’ambient i dissipant-la al moure’s en qualsevol direcció. La materia activa ens obre noves vies d’estudi per esbrinar quins mecanismes físics son responsables dels comportaments emergents dels sistemes vius.


Dia: 22 de febrer (13:15-14:30h)  Professor: Ignacio Pagonabarraga.

  • Una introducció a la física de sistemes de partícules actives.

Dia: 28 de febrer (13:15-14:30h) Professor: Alberto Fernandez-Nieves.

  • Soft, partially ordered, granular and active – Experimental findings in active liquid crystals and fire-ant collectives

Dia: 8 de març (13:15-14:30h) Professora: M.Carmen Miguel

  • Presa de decisions i moviment col·lectiu en la dinàmica d’animals socials i eixams de robots.

Dia: 15 de març (13:15-14:30h) Professor: Matteo Paoluzzi

  • Critical dynamics with persistent noise

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Third event

Saturday, December 12

Duis enim elit, porttitor id feugiat at, blandit at erat. Proin varius libero sit amet tortor volutpat diam laoreet. Fusce sed magna eu ligula commodo hendrerit fringilla ac purus.

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